Slave of time
Once upon a time... until both of them live happily forever after...
ya, it just seems to be like a fairy tale. kinda... sort of... PERFECT & PREDICTABLE
but hey, there is a catch... it is just a kind of illustration represents by the author...
But real life is definitely not, everything just seems to be so soon, I start to wonder about my future?
During kindergarten, my future is all about elementary school.
After elementary school, my future is continue towards middle school.
Later on, it turns to be senior school. Just as simple as having daily meal, we can predict the next step will be uni... What about it?
Now the issues start to pop up... and it is very "essential" for my future... once more, emphasize!
And now it is the time to select my ongoing pathway... right or left? under or above? behind or front? heaps of choice that you can decide on...
You can imagine few pieces of cake placed in front of you, and... you job is just choose one and eat it... after that you digest... it turns into energy and helps you in different aspect... finally, ya, you just get rid of it....
It is simply a process that anyone will go along with... but what if you choose the wrong one? A piece of cake with toxics and the faulty stuff or wrong ingredients in it?
You can illustrate when things go right and smoothly... in contrast, think about the risk you are going to take.... just like gambling, if you are lucky enough to win everything, that is your properity and fortune... so, how about you lost all your game? selling your houses, cars and luxury items... getting all your saving out from the bank, having mortgage, offset debt... guys, it is not just some "game functions" on Monopoly, it WILL actually happen in your lifetime... if you didnt organize everything in certain effective way... havent come out solution for you future... being stuffed and made the wrong decision....
I thought I might introduced too much negative sides of thinking to you all, I have to apologize for that... you may not understand, if you do... just ya, don't worry about it... everything will still recycle as usual tomorrow... sun will still rise up and there is still unlimited of assignments not being finished...
the next death... coming soon... so long, farewell...
3 comments: long, farewell reminds me of the sound of music.
the futures a scary thing huh? but, 'tomorrow's always a brand new day.'
ya, heh, suddenly thought about the patience of Maria. like melting the frozen heart of the captain and get along well with the children well finally.
futures, ya... thought so... i did felt kinda curious about it... everyone does usually...
hahah.... so long... farewell... to something and something... xD forget the lyrics! xD
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