
What a long day, seating on the reddish chair, there was a dude, kept talking, explaining, questioning and showing us, all about motivation.

I am pretty uncomfortable, it is not that the speech or presentation is not good enough, in contrast, it is pretty witty, how sweet. However, my back was hurting like hell, the whole morning... I try to scream or like just walk away from the PAC as if I really don't care. I really do, yes, I don't care!

No one can help, it's not that everyone surrounding you have professional medical experience, or any super power for healing others. I try to distract myself from smiling, talking, even walking around just as normal as I could, could I remain in this state until 3.30? I don't know.

I did take this health problem seriously, I have got medical checked-up and X-ray. During that period of time, I won't even react, I'm half-deaf, half-blind... I don't want to know anything, any other extra stuff that will add additional pressure to me, even smiling is so damn hard. I was depressed, seriously, it is not like kids blaming for toys and stuff, I know it.

My mind suddenly cast back to the time while I worked in RPH, as a pharmacy assistant, I helped around different department. There was one very special session which I get to checked up the patients in ED, ICU... Most of them, were serious injured, as you can imagine. But then, when you actually saw them, you will get reminded how lucky you are, right here, right now, still healthy. There are still heaps of chance for you out there.

My pain is NOTHING, really, compare with them, I learned how to tolerance, how to control myself, be strong.

Oh, by the way, I found one of the quote exceptionally meaningful through the presentation.

"Watch your thoughts, they become words.
Watch your words, they become actions.
Watch your actions, they become habits.
Watch your habits, they become character.
Watch your character, it becomes your Destiny."

by Frank Outlaw

Posted on 17:32 by l'Cie and filed under | 0 Comments »


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