Guess what, hehe, I got my very 1st goal two days ago... hee, people who knew me wouldn't believe that... OLEH OLEH!! well ya, it is really unbelievable... Finally, I understand "soccer" is a kind of sports that controlled well by erm... central nerve system without using your brain, ya, of course for strategies. But then, when you are in the real situation... you can't really figure out what is the next step... you can if you are an expert... apparently, I am NOT. XD
Since earlychildhood, I don't get why people laugh and shout for their successful shooting and stuff like that, and I get it now. I did the samething, I wave my hand in the air hell crazy, High Five with my members and ya, it is very erm... hilarious... I can't imagine myself being like that either...(oops, it is TOO>>) LOL.
However... Goals is somekinds of stuff that we have to set up and actually achieve in our limited life time (ya, that is what my career ed teacher always emphasizing...) ... But normally, I DON'T... Not my fault, hee... I totally disagree... Well, career pathway... I still don't get it... ok, let's see... DOCTOR, er, sorry, NO, I hate being visited by sickish people; next, LAWYER, er, sorry, NO again, I hate to debate with others...; DENTIST, NONONO... Imagine you have to look at teeth and smell the disgusting odour of it everyday... so, what is next? Engineer? haha, it is very FUNNY, I have no interest going on with mining and building... =.="
see, how terrible and picky I am... so, no point choosing the subjects for yr 11 too... hahaha... most likely, I'LL go onto mathscience pathway... don't think I'm really looking forward to it... everyday digital and logical... my life will be buried under THINKING Logically and Effiecienly... Interaction & Changes... Impact on Society... Algebra... Trig... Spaces... Graphs... Quads... and whatelse? ohya, the worst... compulsory thingy... ENGLISH...
I am not trying to complain my life, but ya, I am trying my best to overcome every difficulties, it is harsh for me, as well as my life too... Kept telling myself, DON'T Worry, everything will be FINE... I wonder how long I can still last for? forever? two years? four years? ten months?
Posted on 18:01 by l'Cie and filed under
Posted on 17:53 by l'Cie and filed under
当那残酷的事实正面回应我的时候,我的眼神变得犹豫无比。看着你快乐的脸庞,那闪闪发光的戒指,不再温柔的语调,我的灵魂枯竭了。浪漫的回忆,不再。以为岁月的侵蚀, 无法让人轻易低头。曾经熟悉的声音,钻入我脆弱的耳蜗里。 欲言又止的情感,埋没在深邃的眼瞳里。曾经的放手,我到底做错了么?我应该遗 忘,遗忘那伤人的以往。自欺欺人的动作,却瞒不过自己的心。仍然无法忘怀的你,已经让我的理智崩溃。不要独自难过,让我来替你分担。这是你的温 柔。猛烈的火势,却烧不去我对你轰轰烈烈的情感。让那付之一炬的爱慕,随风漂流。一不小心,我让那粉碎的片断,随着我的泪,闪进我的眼帘。不明不白的,再 次闯进我的胸口。醉人的颓废,荒芜的幸福。那时的穹苍,仍蔚蓝。扰乱的秩序,回不来。排山倒海的回忆,蜂拥而来。就算是世纪的轮回,我依旧不敢放弃。找不回来的那份纯真,也许只能在暗夜里默默饮泣。我的存在只为你而拥有价值。我不想再被你感动了,祈求的信仰,曾经的守护,早在那场大雪纷飞中被豪雪放逐。我祝你幸福,就算是为了我,你也要幸福。我会在暗处凝望着你,虽然沉重,但是这一切牺牲和付出的代价,远不比你的快乐重要。为什么我不可以乘着柔风,顺着我的翅膀翱翔?为什么我不能鼓起勇气,由着我的力量奔腾?我已经死了,彻底阵亡了。献给 悲伤
Posted on 17:50 by l'Cie and filed under
Posted on 17:49 by l'Cie and filed under
Posted on 17:47 by l'Cie and filed under
Posted on 17:46 by l'Cie and filed under
潇潇岫壑忘川水,幽幽冥谷烧伤泪。 犹如琉璃般清澈且无邪,仿若爱情般浓稠且多情。 原来忘记很简单。缅怀却仍然困难。 一千烦恼尽断根,远离十丈软红尘。 我没有资格了,因为你的高贵气息我不想沾染。 我自动弃权了,尤其你的非凡气质我不愿侵犯。
Posted on 17:45 by l'Cie and filed under
Posted on 17:44 by l'Cie and filed under
Posted on 17:42 by l'Cie and filed under
Posted on 17:40 by l'Cie and filed under
Posted on 17:38 by l'Cie and filed under
Just opposite to the topic, it is a warm and sunny sunday. But for me, it is absolutely a disaster.Just around one hour and forty-five minutes ago, the disaster end up with a 90 degrees bow.All of a sudden, my finger slip into a wrong cadences, keys whatsoever.... everything goes truly wrong. I thought it doesn't represent the failure, it is just a mistake, from the starts till the ends. I won't want anyone even myself to remember that. Hence, I just felt terrible... carbon dioxide is filling through out my lungs and oxygen kept ignored from it.回荡在教堂里的掌声,是最讽刺的一种奚落。我不想认为有人会在意,因为应该不会有人会记得,或许只是虚荣心作祟。
Posted on 11:48 by l'Cie and filed under
Once upon a time... until both of them live happily forever after...ya, it just seems to be like a fairy tale. kinda... sort of... PERFECT & PREDICTABLEbut hey, there is a catch... it is just a kind of illustration represents by the author...But real life is definitely not, everything just seems to be so soon, I start to wonder about my future?During kindergarten, my future is all about elementary school.After elementary school, my future is continue towards middle school.Later on, it turns to be senior school. Just as simple as having daily meal, we can predict the next step will be uni... What about it?Now the issues start to pop up... and it is very "essential" for my future... once more, emphasize!And now it is the time to select my ongoing pathway... right or left? under or above? behind or front? heaps of choice that you can decide on...You can imagine few pieces of cake placed in front of you, and... you job is just choose one and eat it... after that you digest... it turns into energy and helps you in different aspect... finally, ya, you just get rid of it....It is simply a process that anyone will go along with... but what if you choose the wrong one? A piece of cake with toxics and the faulty stuff or wrong ingredients in it?You can illustrate when things go right and smoothly... in contrast, think about the risk you are going to take.... just like gambling, if you are lucky enough to win everything, that is your properity and fortune... so, how about you lost all your game? selling your houses, cars and luxury items... getting all your saving out from the bank, having mortgage, offset debt... guys, it is not just some "game functions" on Monopoly, it WILL actually happen in your lifetime... if you didnt organize everything in certain effective way... havent come out solution for you future... being stuffed and made the wrong decision....I thought I might introduced too much negative sides of thinking to you all, I have to apologize for that... you may not understand, if you do... just ya, don't worry about it... everything will still recycle as usual tomorrow... sun will still rise up and there is still unlimited of assignments not being finished...如果说,这辈子的遗憾,莫过于放任自己的思绪使用在自怨自艾的份上吧?嗯,这句话用英语很难表达,如果能的话,我会翻译的。the next death... coming soon... so long, farewell...
Posted on 00:20 by l'Cie and filed under
嗯,看完了,感触其实蛮深的。偶尔,觉得自己有点像直树,不是因为我IQ两百,只是他孤独的眼神,映照出灵魂的空洞。或许郑元畅真的把这个人物演绎得栩栩如生吧。与此同时,我祝福大家有情人终成眷属,犹如戏里的一对壁人,湘琴和直树。往后的生活里,或许还有丛丛困难,但是有心爱的伴侣携手度过,苦涩的滋味自然会化成蜂蜜般甜美可口。yeah, for those who don't understand what I am talking about, hope that you all would live happily forever after. although it is so hard to achieve a perfect life, but don't ever give up yourself or any of your hope. stay still in the position you felt right to and work hard. I can't promise you can be awarded exactly what you desire but at least your effort won't be wasted.Live is such a miserable for me, however, I just don't want others to go through the same pathway as me anymore. fight for your dream even the chance of success is not that high.如果使用韩文的话,就是 AZA AZA FIGHTING!!
Posted on 21:16 by l'Cie and filed under

Hey guys!
Basically, it is just all about stuff and things like what I thought about my daily life. I'll then record bit and pieces if I am free...
However, this is the first time I did actually spent time on English blog... ya, but there'll still a bit chinese interfered within. haha...well, it is kinda memorable.
So, this is my inferno, the very darkness from the deep of my heart. A kind of expression towards feeling.
and finally, my name is Vincent and nice to meet you all. feel free to jot down your lovely comment!XD
Posted on 20:18 by l'Cie and filed under